On Monday, February 23, 2015, the Ontario government released its revised Health & Physical Education curriculum. The Ministry of Education has indicated the curriculum will be implemented in schools across the province this September. Below is a statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto and President of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario:
Rarely does a day go by without the media reporting on heinous acts or horrifying crimes, perpetrated at times even in the name of God, toward people for their faith, their ethnic group or simply for no reason. The violence we witness today is quite disturbing. Human instinct is to track down the culprits and to investigate their motives. Christ responded to violence in His Passion with forgiveness. His way of life was an ongoing reminder that God is Love. All too often we forget this. However, the tragedy of our time calls for a return to active faith.
The theme of Season III of ARISE Together in Christ is Social Justice. Participants are encouraged to engage in social justice activities in their communities. This is not restricted to ARISE participants; it is open to all of society.
The weekend Retreat started on Friday night January 22, 2015. We all met each other at registration and proceeded into an explanation of the goals of the retreat.